Daily Learning Line-bot

I wrote articles on different platforms (Medium, Dev.to, etc) on my different learning phases. The purpose is for building a personal knowledge-base for chunking the techniques I've used.

ALayman is a Line bot with ability to search articles from the specific blog. There're a few pre-defined and flexible commands for users to retrieve their expected articles. Feel free to add this bot as the friend if you're interested in it.

Discover Ideas for Specific Topics

There are huge learning resources from the internet, but we don't know where to start.

This line bot will help you to retrieve the articles of my learning path by clicking the topic from the context menu.

Search Articles by Keywords

There are a lot of great frameworks of the software engineering, backend or frontend.

This line bot will help you to retrieve the articles for the specific keywords by sending a message with the following format.

search-{ your keywords }

List All Articles

This line bot will help you to browse all articles if you don't have any ideas to search by sending a message with the following format.


Get the Latest Article

This line bot will help you to retrieve the latest articles by sending a message with the following format.


Get the Daily Learning Webite

This line bot will help you to reach out to the author or ALayman website by sending a message with the following format.
